Silvia Ornament

Designed By Julie A. Bolduc
This festive beaded Christmas ornament is made with a combination of 3D printed parts, and any beads you want to use for the look that you want.
- Materials NeededFor each ornament
- 1 Set of 3D printed caps, one with a center hole and one without. Any color*
- 4 feet of 3lb fishing line or longer
- Beads of your choice in multiples of 12.**
- 1 Screw Eye, Size: #216-1/2 color is not important, size is.
- 1 Ornament Hanger
- 1 crimp tube 2x3mm or 3x3mm thin wall
- Tools Needed
- Scissors or snips.
- 1 pair flat nose pliers
- 1 bead stopper
- Crimping tool
Finished Size: 3" x 2" Size is approximate
Skill Level:Beginner to Intermediate
Notes:**The beads can be what ever you want as you can tell by the photos. What ever you choose, when you put them together, they should measure no more than 2inches or 50mm long so as to have enough of the fishing line to complete the ornament.
*The 3D printed caps are available in my Etsy store in sets that make 6 ornaments each of 2 colors. If you want a specific color I don't offer at Etsy, please ask me. I will let you know if I already have that color available and if not, give you an appoximate time it would take for me to get it and print them for you.
Note: I did make some of the ornaments with 3D printed beads, if you want some of those beads, let me know and I will add them to my Etsy store.
Make sure you watch the video to help clarify any questions you may have about each step of the instructions.
Before getting started, audition your beads and arrange them the way you want them and take a measurement of how long it is. If it is no more then 2 inches, the 4 feet of fishing line will be enough. You can do this by just stringing some onto the fishing line. When you like what you see, just take them back off of the fishing line.
Step 1: Attache the screw eye to the cap that has the hole in the center of it making sure the hole is on the outside of the cap. Use the flat end pliers to help you screw it into the hole.
Step 2: Cut a 4 foot length of fishing line and pass it up through one of the holes in the spikes going toward the screw eye, then down through the hole next to the hole it came up through. Pull 6inches out from the end of the hole. Attach the bead stopper to the fishing line right where it comes out of the hole to prevent the fishing line from coming out of the hole.
Step 3: Start stringing your beads onto the long end of the fishing line, in the order you auditioned them.
Step 4:Push the other end of the fishing line through one of the holes in the other cap, making sure the spikes point toward the top cap, continue by poking the end of the fishing line through the next hole keeping it in line with the first cap but going in the opposite direction so you can continue going around the caps to meet up with the hole that has the bead stopper on it.
Step 5: Continue stringing your beads on the fishing line while pushing the line through the spikes on the caps forming a cage of beads until you come to the last spike that lines up with the one that has the line that has the bead stopper on it.
Step 6: String the last beads on and also the crimp bead.
Step 7: Remove the bead stopper from the 6inch length of fishing line and pass that end through all of the last beads you added and the matching spike. Tighten the fishing line all the way, by pulling on both ends of the fishing line while keeping the crimp bead next to the spike. Crimp the bead, so it will fit into the hole of the spike, then pull on the fishing line into the direction of the spike that the crimp bead is next to, to hide the crimp bead in the spike. Trim off the ends of the fishing line.
Final Step: Attached the ornament hanger to the screw eye and hang on your tree!
Design written on December 7, 2023. Copyright ©2023 By Julie A. Bolduc f126006