Split Pin Paper Bead Rollers
in 6 sizes and 4 Different Styles

Short Winding Pins
- There are 4 color/styles to choose from at Etsy and at Amazon. Rainbow Filigree, Candy Stick, Zebra Print and Fancy Flowers
- The rust proof stainless steel split pins are 1.25" long.
- This paper bead roller is made by hand by me and my husband using 3D printed parts and other materials.
- All of the handles for the paper bead rollers are exactly the same diameter as the Adjustable length paper bead rollers.
- The winding pins are split all the way through for better winding control.
- The pins are embeded into the handle so you do not need to worry about the tip breaking off or falling out.
- You do need to take care when beginning to roll with the 1/16" pin because it is flexible but with a little practice it can be done.
- Stabilizer beads are not really needed with the larger rollers but are included incase you need them. I have included 2 slider beads, 2 cube stabilizer stabilizer for each bead roller in your package.
- The slider bead is meant to help you remove your finished bead off of the pins if you find you are having difficulty removing them, from rolling them too tight.
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1/16" Split Pin Paper Bead Rollers
in 12 Different Styles
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Current prices are at Etsy and Amazon.The tiny beads on the 1/16" pin is the secret to making this roller work. You only need one but it includes 2 each of round and cube shaped beads just in case. It is removable of course so you can remove your finished bead. Just slip it on after you put your paper in the pin and push it up to the edge of your paper to have better control of the beginning of winding your bead.
Short Winding Pins
- There are 12 color/styles to choose from at Etsy and at Amazon.
- You can make up to 2" long beads with this Paper Bead Roller. This roller is a popular size for making the smaller beads for jewelry.
- This paper bead roller is mostly made by hand by me using 3D printed parts.
- The winding tip is about 2.¼" long.
- All of the handles for the paper bead rollers are exactly the same diameter as the Adjustable length paper bead rollers.
- The winding pins are split all the way through for better winding control.
- The pins go deep enough into the handle so you do not need to worry about the tip breaking off.
- You do need to take care when beginning to roll with the 1/16" pin because it is flexible but with a little practice it can be done.