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Double Single Dishcloth

Double Single Dishcloth Designed By Julie A. Bolduc

This dishcloth combines the featured stitch, double single crochet, with the afghan stitch to create a completely new and unusual look. It is a lot of fun to make and complete in just a couple of hours.

Materials Needed:
2 oz Peaches & Creme worsted weight cotton yarn. Shades of Green was used in the example
Size USH/8 or 5mm aluminum crochet hook and afghan hook.
Yarn Needle for weaving in ends

Yarn Thickness: 3mm
Gauge: 3dsc=1"
Finished Size: 7"x7"
Skill Level: Intermediate

Double Single Crochet (dsc): To do a dsc, insert hook into back lp of next st, draw up a loop, insert hook in both loops of same stitch draw up a loop, yo and draw through all 3 lps on hook.

Afghan Stitch: (across)Draw up a loop in each st across so you will end up with several loops on hook. (back)Yo, draw through one loop on hook. *Yo and draw through 2 lps on hook. Rep from* until you work off all lps on hook

Close Up of stitches

ROW 1: Ch25. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch1, turn.

ROW 2: Dsc in each sc across. Ch1 turn.

ROW 3: Work one row of afgahn stitch across then back. Ch1.

ROW 4: Sc in each vertical bar across. Ch1, turn.

Close Up of stitches

ROW 5: Dsc in each sc across. Ch1, turn.

ROWs 6-22: Rep rows 3-5. At end of row 22, fasten off and weave ends into back of work.

Design written on Saturday, May 08, 1999. Copyright ©1999 By Julie A. Bolduc p112014

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