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Refrigerator Pocket

Refrigerator Pocket Designed By Julie A. Bolduc

This pocket is for stashing your note paper for use when you make your grocery list or need to leave messages for other members of your family. This pattern also uses the special stitch, Spoon Stitch.

Materials Needed:
Small amounts each Red Heart's Baby Sport Pompador yarn.
Pink &White
Size F aluminum Crochet Hook
Note Pad. About 3"x3" or 3"x5" Will work with Index Cards
Thin Yarn Needle

Yarn Thickness: 3mm
Gauge: 6sc=1"
Finished Size: = 4"x6"
Skill Level: Intermediate

Special Stitch Instructions
Spoon Stitch (spn)

Insert hook in place indicated. Pull up a lp. Yo pull through one lp on hook twice as if to ch. Rep from beg 2 more times. Yo pull through all 4 lps on hook.

Front Instructions
ROW 1:With Pink: Ch20. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. (19sts.) Ch3, turn.

ROW 2: Sk first sc, spn in next sc. Ch1. *Sk next st. Spn in next st. Ch1. Rep from * across. Dc in last sc. Fasten off Pink.

ROW 3: Tie White yarn on to top of dc. Ch3. Dc in ch1 sp. *Spn in next ch1 sp. Ch1. Rep from * across. Dc in ch1 sp and in top of ch3. Fasten off White.

ROW 4: Tie pink yarn on to top of dc. *Spn in next ch1 sp. Ch1. Rep from * across. Dc in top of ch3. Fasten off Pink.

ROW 4: Rep ROW3.

ROW 5: Rep ROW 4 but do not fasten off. Instead, ch1, turn.

ROW 6: Sc in next st and work 2 sc in each ch 1 sp across and in the last 2 sts in row. Fasten off. Weave ends into back of work and set aside.

Back Instructions.
With Pink.
ROW 1: Rep as for row 1 on front. Ch3, turn.

ROW 2: Sk first sc, spn in next sc. Ch1. *Sk next st. Spn in next st. Ch1. Rep from * across. Dc in last sc. Ch3 turn.

ROW 3: Dc in ch1 sp. *Spn in next ch1 sp. Ch1. Rep from * across. Dc in ch1 sp and in top of ch3. Ch3, turn.

ROW 4: *Spn in next ch1 sp. Ch1. Rep from * across. Dc in top of ch3. Ch3, turn.

ROW 5-11: Rep ROWs 3&4 alternately. At the end of ROW 11, ch1 turn.

ROW 12: Sc in each of the first two sts. 2sc in each ch1 sp across. Sc in each of the last 2 sts. Fasten off and weave ends into back of work.

Position the back in front of you so the right side is facing up and the starting ch is on the bottom. Lay the front piece on top matching up the Starting ch with the starting ch on the back. Attach yarn to both thicknesses at the bottom left corner and work the following around the perimeter of the whole thing. Working the front to the back where they meet. Work a row of sc, ch3, sc all the way around. Work sc, ch3, sc in each corner.

Designed on Wednesday, July 22, 1998. Copyright © 1998 by Julie A. Bolduc p105006

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