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Bone Ring Choker

Bone Ring Choker

Designed By Julie A. Bolduc

This necklace is made from the same size bone rings as the bone ring earrings on this site. You can easily adjust the size by increasing or decreasing the number of rings you use. You can even make it short enough for a bracelet.

Materials Needed:
Size 10 Crochet cotton of desired color. Southmaid in shaded blues was used in the example.
Size 7 steel crochet hook
17 bone rings. ½" diam
Necklace clasp of desired type.
Tapestry Needle for weaving in ends

Thread Thickness: 10thread
Gauge: 10sc=1"
Finished Size: 14" including clasp
Skill Level: Beginner

Tie thread onto a ring. Ch1. 8 sc in ring. *Ch2. Pick up another ring. 8sc in new ring. Rep from * until you use up all of the rings. Ch3. Now you will work on the other side of each rings back to the beginning. 8 sc in last ring just added. *Ch2. 8sc in next ring. Rep from * until you come to where you started. Join w/slst to first sc. Fasten off. Attach clasp to ch3 sp on each end.

NOTE: You can adjust the length by adding or subtracting the number of rings you use. Use this rule of thumb for right measurements. Allow 1 ring for every ¾" of length you need. For example, for a 7" bracelet, you would need 9 rings. Because 7/.75 = 9.333. The size of the clasp, should make it just the right length you need without it being too tight.

HINT: Here is another idea you can use this technique with. You can make a tree garland with this pattern! For a 6' garland, you will need 72/.75 = 96 rings. To have enough, you would need 4 packages of ½" bone rings. You can use any crochet cotton you want for this idea but I think using a variegated Christmas colors thread or a gold or silver thread would be wonderful! Just don't put the clasp on this.

Design written on Sunday, July 29, 2001. Copyright ©2001 By Julie A. Bolduc p107019

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