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Delft Blue Bracelet

Delft Blue Bracelet

Designed By Julie A. Bolduc

This bracelet is made with beads made out of paper. You can use any type of bead you want as long as the measurements are 6mm x 16mm and the hole is 1/16 of an inch.

Materials Needed:
31 tube beads 6mm x 16mm. I used Delft Blue paper beads
Size 10 crochet cotton in white.
½" cabone ring
2 fine tapestry needles that will fit through beads
Size 7 steel crochet hook

Yarn Thickness: 10thread
Gauge: 8sc=1"
Finished Size: 8" x ¾"
Skill Level: Intermediate

STEP 1: Cut a piece of thread 6 feet long. Fold it in half and attach it to the bone ring with a larks head knot. Larkshead knot You will now be working with 2 strands of thread about 3 feet long each.

Step 2: Secure the ring to your work surface with a piece of tape or a tack. Thread each end of your thread through a needle. String your beads onto the thread, one at a time, pushing each end through each hole in each bead in opposite directions. There will be 2 strands of thread going through each bead. When you are done threading on 30 of the beads, tie the ends into 3 square knots. Do not cut these threads. You will need them later to attach the last bead to be used as a toggle.

STEP Now you will crochet.: Tie thread onto thread to the left of the 3 square knots. Treat the thread on the sides of the beads as spaces. Work 5 sc in this first space. (Ch2, 2sc in next sp.) Rep bet () until you reach the other end. Ch2. Work 5 sc in space at end. Work 20 sc in bone ring. Work 5 sc in next sp on same end. Rep bet () until you reach the end where you started. Join w/slst to first sc. Fasten off and weave ends into work.

Finishing Toggle: String last bead as you did before but then weave each end of your thread back into the 3 square knots and into the crochet work.

Design written on Friday, June 10, 2005. Copyright ©2005 By Julie A. Bolduc p107033

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