New Paper Bead Rulers!

New Paper Bead Rulers!

Starching or Blocking Doilies

Starching Doilies

To starch a doily, use a hot iron, a damp piece of muslin, an ironing board and any commercial spray starch. I used Niagra Spray starch available in any grocery or discount store. Lay the doily on the muslin and lightly spray the doily all over. Cover the doily with another peice of muslin and iron lightly enough to flatten the slight ruffles you may have in the doily. You may need to stretch it into shape a bit to get it to come out just the way you want it. Let it cool and dry completely before removing it from the ironing board. No need for pins.

Blocking items Made with Yarn

To Block other items, I use a mister bottle, an iron, pins and a large cloth covered surface which can withstand heat. I lay the piece I am blocking on the surface and dampen it lightly with a fine mist of water. I then pin it into place into the shape that I want it to be. I then apply heat to the item by hovering the iron over it but not touching it. This should "block" the stiches and keep them in place.

Cornstarch Stiffening Recipe:

Below is a recipe for making a stiffener with cornstarch.

This information was given to me by Becky, a member of the JPF Crochet Club! Thank You Becky!

Heat 2 cups of water to boiling, now mix 1/2 cup cornstarch with 1 cup cold water and have another cup of water available. When the water is boiling, add cornstarch mixture slowly, stirring constantly. If mixture becomes too thick (which can happen quickly), add some of the extra water.

After if cools, saturate the items to be starched, squeeze out excess, shape and let dry. Press with steam iron. Leftover starch may be stored in refrigerator for use at another time. If it separates, use a wire whisk to blend it.

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