New Paper Bead Rulers!

New Paper Bead Rulers!

Crosshatch Stitch 1

From the "Harmony Guide To crochet Stitches".
To see it in the book it is on page 26.

I am not affiliated in any way with this book. I just own a copy and really like it. Plus I needed to test some yarn from Caron and I decided to combine my time to design something for the site, work on this featured stitch and test the yarn all at the same time.

Crosshatch Stitch 1

This pattern stitch would make a great scarf or even an afghan. You could also use this for dishcloths and in sweaters.

Here it is written in my terms.
Use a multiple of 7 + 4 sts. Then add 3 more on the starting chain.

ROW 1: Sk first 2 chs. (counts as first dc.) 2dc in next ch. *Sk 3 chs. sc in next ch. ch3. 1 dc in each of the next 3 chs. Rep from * to last 4 chs. Sk 3 chs. sc in last ch. Ch3, turn.

ROW 2: 2dc in first sc. *Sc in first ch of next ch3. Ch3. Dc in each of the next 2 chs. Dc in next sc. Rep from * across. Sc in first ch of next ch3. Ch3, turn.

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