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New Paper Bead Rulers!

Universal Paper Bead Marking Templates

Sample Image of What Templates Look Like
Sample from a template
  • What Does Universal Mean? -- Well it means these templates will work with what ever size paper you are using! No need to actually use a pencil and ruler to mark your paper! Perfect for paper that doesn't get printed in your printer. You can use these to transform any size paper into creative and colorful paper beads. Here are some of the examples of papers you can make into beads. Gift wrap, pretty magazine pages, old damaged, colorful children's books, wallpaper, handmade paper, newspaper, scrapbook paper, brown paper bags and more!
  • How Do Universal Templates Work? -- In a nutshell, you cut these templates into narrow strips, along the dashed lines, and you glue them with a temporary glue stick or 1/4" double sided tape, to the top and bottom edges, on a scrap paper cut to the same size, as the paper you want to turn into paper beads. For example, newsprint or magazine pages. Then you cut your strips from mark to mark.
  • Are instructions included? -- Yes there are full instructions on how to use them. I also have a video demonstrating how they work.
  • Why not just use my pencil to mark my paper? -- It is much faster to use the narrow strips and your cut strips will not have any marks on them which will make for better, cleaner beads! Plus you can cut a bunch of strips ahead of time and store them in a box for really quick access. You can also glue them together end to end to make a paper tape you can then roll onto our new Universal Template Spool Winder. Also, your marks will be accurate and consistent!
  • How many strips can I get from one sheet of paper? -- If you cut them on the dashed lines, you will get 18. Each strip is marked with the widths that the finished strip will be. For example, there is a sheet that will make strips that are 5/8" at the wide end and 1/4" at the narrow end. The markes are 5/8" and 1/4" apart across the sheet. This size will be repeated 8 times across the sheet on each dashed line. That way, if you cut these strips in advance, you will know what size they are meant for if you store them.
  • What if my paper is wider than my strip is long? -- Then you would just add another strip next to the first one, lining up the marks until you have filled the edge of the paper. If your strip is too long, just cut off the excess.
  • What do I do with the little cut pieces when I am done cutting my paper into strips? -- Just put them into the recycle bin. It's not a waste if you are using piece of used copy paper that has been saved from the recycle bin and printed already on one side.
  • I want to make tapered beads, can I do this with these templates? -- Yes you can! Each set of Universal Paper Bead Marking Templates has sheets that are designed to make tube, bicone and barrel beads starting with the narrow end being 1/16" and the wide end being 1/8" narrower than the full size of the set you are getting. For example, the sample set is 3/4" wide and it has a total of 7 templates starting at 1/16" and increasing in 1/8" increments until it is a tube or straight strip. The first increase is by 1/16" but the rest of them are at 1/8" increments. Download the free sample to see what I mean!

All of the following links will take you to Etsy to purchase except the last one that says Download Free Sample.

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