Churn Dash Block

Using the Quilt as You Piece Method
This is the 11th quilt block tutorial in a series on how to make quilt blocks using the Quilt as You Piece Method. This traditional quilt block cannot be completly made in the Quilt as you Piece method but can be adapted to work. The block is made in sections, then stitched together.
Materials Needed
Makes one Block: In the list below, you can make the pieces little bigger in order to make it easier to be accurate at trimming.
- Fabric: Follow the diagram for cutting sizes but keep in mind, you will need to double the number you cut for every piece for the double sided block.
- Batting: Follow the diagram for sizes, cutting one piece for each lettered patch in the block.
- Cotton Sewing thread in neutral color, 50wt preferred.
- Washable Liquid Glue
- Washable Glue Stick
Tools Needed
These are the tools I used. Use what you have.
- Rotary Cutter & Cutting Mat
- Pair of Fabric Scissors
- Temporary Marking Device
- 18"x3" quilt ruler
- 10.5"x10.5" Square Ruler
- Dry Iron & Pressing Board
Note: This block would probably be best quilted at the end, before final trimming if desired.
- Start by making all of your half square triangles units, for the front and back, using the 2 at once method. Open the seams and press them flat.
- Make the 2 piece upper and lower center units, for the front and back, 6 and 9. Open the seams and press them flat.
- Stitch Units 7 & 8 to unit 6 following the diagram for proper placement and orientation. Open seams and press them flat.
- Stitch Units 10 & 11 to unit 9 following the diagram for proper placement and orientation. Open seams and press them flat.
- Start the sandwiches! Sandwich all 3 #1 center square pieces. Fuse the layers together with glue stick.
- Add pieces 2, 3, 4 and 5 using the quilt as you piece method. Trim long edges so you have a width of 3-7/8". Do not trim the two short ends, that will happen at the final trim.
- Assemble the top strips in the Quilt as You Go method, at seam 12 in the proper orientation.
- Assemble the bottom strips in the Quilt as You Go method, at seam 13 in the proper orientation.
- Quilt as desired, if desired. Trim to 10-1/2" x 10-1/2". Do stay stitching, an 1/8" in from the edges, all the way around.
To Finish Block: Trim whole block to 10-1/2"x 10-1/2" allowing a 1/4" seam allowance all around..
This pattern sheet just provides what materials you need and what size pieces you need to make a 10" block and in what order to sew the pieces of the block together. It does not go into complete detail how I put them together in the Quilt as You Piece manner, please refer to our tutorial of the Five Strip Rail Fence Block for the basic concept and instructions on how to do Quilt as You Piece for this block and all other blocks in this series.
Design written on November 10, 2021 by Julie A Bolduc. © 2021 by Julie A Bolduc of Just Plain Fun f401003